Looking Unto Jesus by Isaac Ambrose: A View of the Everlasting Gospel.
Section 8.2.1. - Of Knowing Jesus as carrying on the great work of our Salvation in his Ascension, session, and mission of the Spirit.



8.2.1. Of Knowing Jesus as carrying on the great work of our Salvation in his Ascension, session, and mission of the Spirit.

Of Knowing Jesus as carrying on the great work of our Salvation in his Ascension, session, and mission of the Spirit.

Let us know Jesus, carrying on the great work of our salvation for us, in his ascension into heaven, in his session at God's right hand, and in his mission of the Holy Ghost; these are points of great use, if these transactions had not been, where had we been? These are points of highest speculation, if these transactions had not been. Where had Christ been? After his humiliation, herein lay the exaltation of his glorious person; he was exalted above the earth, above the clouds, above the stars, above the heavens, above the heaven of heavens; O! the glorious majesty of our King Jesus, as sitting down at God's right hand; our salvation is the greatest mystery that ever was, it being made up of the various workings of the glory of God; for us men, and for our salvation Christ was incarnate, and came down from heaven; and for us men, and for our salvation Christ was exalted, and went up into heaven. Here is an object of admiration indeed, the very angels at the sight of it, stood admiring and adoring; it took up their heart, astonished their understanding; surely it was the blessedest sight that ever the angels did, or could behold; come then, and O my soul! do thou take a view of that which they admire, the design is not so principally concerning angels, as thyself: they are in it only as afar off, and in general; but it concerns thee in special and particular; and therefore study close this argument, and know it for thyself. Study, --

1. The ascension of Christ, how, and whether, and why he ascended.

2. Study the session of Christ at God's right hand; O the mines, the riches of that spiritual heavenly knowledge!

3. Study the mission of the Holy Ghost; not a circumstance in it, but deserves thy Study: worlds of wealth ten thousand times better than gold, or silver, or precious stones, may be found in the diggings of these mines. Have not many students beat out their brains on lesser subjects? What endeavours have there been to dive into the secrets of nature? What volumes have been written of physics, metaphysics, mathematics? And is not this subject Christ, is not every of these subjects, Christ's ascension, Christ's session, Christ's mission of the Holy Spirit, of more worth, and value, and benefit, than all those? Come, study that piece of the Bible, wherein these are written; there is not a line or expression of Christ in the scripture, but it is matter enough for a whole age to comment on; thou needest not to leave old principles for new discoveries; for in these very particulars thou mightest find successive sweetness unto all eternity.