The Analysed Bible, Volumes 1, 2, 3, by Rev. G. Campbell Morgan: The Book of 2 John - Analysed and Explained in Detail (Full Text and PDF).

A detailed analysis of the book of 2 John: Christ and Fellowship with God.

To the best of our knowledge we are of the understanding that this book, being published in 1907, and freely available elsewhere on the internet is in the public domain.

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The Book of 2 John - Analysed and Explained in Summary - Volumes 1, 2, and 3 of "The Analysed Bible" by G. Campbell Morgan.

To the best of our knowledge we are of the understanding that this book, taken from Volumes 1, 2, & 3 of the "Analysed Bible" by G. Campbell Morgan published in 1907, and freely available elsewhere on the internet is in the public domain.


INTRODUCTION - 2 John 1:1-1:4

1. Addresses and Key Word Truth - 1:1-1:2

2. Salutation - 1:3

3. The Apostle's Joy - 1:4

Part A: LOVE - 2 John 1:5

A1. The Commandment

Part B: LOVE AND LIGHT - 2 John 1:6

B1. Love Defined

B2. Light Defined

Part C: LIGHT AND LOVE - 2 John 1:7-1:11

C1. A Warning - 2 John 1:7

C2. Injunction - 2 John 1:8

C3. A Test - 2 John 1:9

C4. A Requirement - 2 John 1:10-1:11

CONCLUSION - 2 John 1:12-1:13

1. The Farewell

Introduction - 2 John 1:1-1:4

This second epistle is a concrete application of the principles taught in the first. Its subject is the value of truth in the threefold life of fellowship. Its scheme may be stated thus; Introduction (1-4); Love (5); Love and Light (6); Light and Life (7-9); Conclusion (12, 13).

The repetition of the word "truth" in the address gives the keynote to the letter. The salutation refers to grace, mercy, and peace, which are the effects of truth, the inward sanctifier; and the expression of love, the outward result. This is followed by a declaration of the apostle's joy that the children of the elect lady were found walking in truth.

A. Love - 2 John 1:5

The apostle then wrote the central and all-inclusive commandment, and urged her to obey it. It was not a new commandment, but the repetition of that possessed from the beginning.

B. Love and Light - 2 John 1:6

Then followed the statement of supreme importance that love is obedience to light. The commandment heard from the beginning was that of love. Love, therefore, is obedience to the commandment.

C. Light and Love - 2 John 1:7-1:11

All already written was preliminary to the warnings which followed, and the necessity for which constituted the real occasion of the letter. Deceivers were gone forth into the world, denying essential truth concerning the Christ. Because love is walking in light, the test of love is light. Any consent to darkness out of a so-called charity, is not true love. Loyalty to truth concerning the Person of Christ is the true way of love, and any charity which compromises that is false, and eventually violates love.

The teaching against which the apostle warned the elect lady was progressive teaching. Progress out of first principles is retrogression. The stern requirement of the apostle manifests the sanctified son of thunder, and the determined apostle of love. No hospitality or greeting must be given to those who by false teaching imperil the life, and light, and love, of the believer.

The special teaching of this letter may thus be summarized. Christianity is love. Love is dependent upon the light of truth. To deny the truth is to make love impossible. The continued experience of fellowship is dependent upon the continued fact of fellowship in love and light and life. The continued fact of fellowship is proved by the continued experience of fellowship.

Conclusion - 2 John 1:12-1:13

The apostle expressed his hope that he might soon see face to face the one to whom he wrote, and sent the salutation of the children of her elect sister.