The Analysed Bible, Volumes 1, 2, 3, by Rev. G. Campbell Morgan: The Book of Malachi - Analysed and Explained in Detail (Full Text and PDF).

A detailed analysis of the book of Malachi: Unconscious Corruption.

To the best of our knowledge we are of the understanding that this book, being published in 1907, and freely available elsewhere on the internet is in the public domain.

Gene Exod Levi Numb Deut Josh Judg Ruth 1Sam 2Sam 1Kin 2Kin 1Chr 2Chr Ezra Nehe Esth Job_ Psal Prov Eccl Song Isai Jere Lame Ezek Dani Hose Joel Amos Obad Jona Mica Nahu Haba Zeph Hagg Zech Mala Matt Mark Luke John Acts Roma 1Cor 2Cor Gala Ephe Phil Colo 1The 2The 1Tim 2Tim Titu Phle Hebr Jame 1Pet 2Pet 1Joh 2Joh 3Joh Jude Reve

The Book of Malachi - Analysed and Explained in Summary - Volumes 1, 2, and 3 of "The Analysed Bible" by G. Campbell Morgan.

To the best of our knowledge we are of the understanding that this book, taken from Volumes 1, 2, & 3 of the "Analysed Bible" by G. Campbell Morgan published in 1907, and freely available elsewhere on the internet is in the public domain.



Title Page - Mal. 1:1

A1. The Sensitive Word of Jehovah - Mal. 1:2a

A2. The Sceptical Question - Mal. 1:2b

A3. The Answer in Proof - Mal. 1:2c-1:5

Part B: FORMAL ACCUSATIONS - Malachi 1:6-2:17

B1. Against the Priests - Mal. 1:6-2:9

  1. Their Corruption Declared - 1:6-1:14
  2. The Punishment threatened - 2:1-2:9

B2. Against the People - Mal. 2:10-2:16

B3. Against All - Mal. 2:17

Part C: FINAL ANNUNCIATIONS - Malachi 3:1-4:6

C1. The Coming One - Mal. 3:1-3:18

  1. Announcement of Advent - 3:1-3:6
  2. Appeal to the Nation - 3:7-3:15
  3. Attitude of the Remnant - 3:16-3:18

C2. The Coming Day - Mal. 4:1-4:3

C3. The Closing Words - Mal. 4:4-4:6


Nothing more is known of Malachi than the book which bears his name reveals. The word Malachi means messenger, and this has given rise to the supposition that it is a title rather than a name. While it is probable that Malachi was indeed the actual name of the prophet, its significance is most suggestive, for throughout the prophecy the burden of the message of Jehovah is supreme, and the personality of the messenger is absolutely hidden.

The connection of this prophecy with the work under Ezra and Nehemiah is evident. The abuses against which Malachi made his protest, namely a polluted priesthood, mixed marriages, and failure to pay tithes, were those which existed during the time of Nehemiah. Malachi is mentioned neither by Ezra nor Nehemiah; probably, therefore, he prophesied after their time. It would seem as though the special evils, which they set themselves to correct, still existed side by side with correct outward observances. The attitude of the people is revealed in the sevenfold "Wherein" (1:2,6,7, 2:17, 3:8,13).

The prophecy falls into three parts: Fundamental Affirmation (1:2-1:5); Formal Accusations (1:6-2:17); Final Annunciations (3-4).

A. Fundamental Affirmation - Malachi 1:1-1:5

After the introductory word, which really constitutes the Title Page, the message begins almost abruptly with the tender and sensitive word of Jehovah to His people: "I have loved you." This is the real burden of the prophecy; everything is to be viewed in the light thereof.

The prophet then, in an equally brief sentence, indicated the attitude of the people towards Jehovah: "Wherein hast Thou loved us?" The only explanation of such a question possible is that the people, conscious of the difference between their national position and their past greatness, and of the apparent failure of fulfilment of the prophetic promises, called in question the love of Jehovah.

This sceptical question the prophet answered by reminding them of Jehovah's love for Jacob, and His hatred of Esau; of His destruction of Edom, and His deliverance of Israel.

B. Formal Accusations - Malachi 1:6-2:17

Having thus made his fundamental statement, the prophet proceeded to utter his formal accusations. These fall into three groups, those against the priests, those against the people, and those against the nation in general.

In dealing with the priests, he declared their corruption, and indicated the line of their punishment. He charged them with profanity, in that they had despised the name of Jehovah; with sacrilege, in that they had offered polluted bread upon His altar; with greed, in that none of them were found willing to open the doors of His house for nought; with weariness, in that they had "snuffed at" the whole system of worship as "a weariness." In the study of these accusations against the priests, it is most evident that they resented the charges made against them, as the recurrence of the questions - "Wherein?" - shows. This makes it evident that the prophet was protesting against a formalism which was devoid of reality. Against them he therefore uttered the threatenings of Jehovah. Their blessings were to be cursed, and the punishment of corruption would be that they should be held in contempt by the people. In the midst of this declaration occurs a passage full of beauty, describing the true ideal of the priesthood.

The prophet specifically charged the people with two sins, and in each case pronounced judgment upon them. He introduced this charge by the enunciation of a principle - that of the common relationship of all to God as Father, and the declaration of the consequent sin of dealing treacherously with each other. The first specific sin was that of the mixed marriages of the people, while the second was that of the prevalence of divorce.

The final accusation was against the whole nation, and consisted of a charge of accommodating doctrine to the deterioration of conduct. In the presence of ethical failure, the people were declaring, that notwithstanding the doing of evil, Jehovah delighted in the people, and were inquiring sceptically, "Where is the God of judgment?"

C. Final Annunciations - Malachi 3:1-4:6

The last division of the book contains the prophet's announcement of the coming of Messiah. It falls into three sections dealing with the coming One, the coming Day, and uttering the closing words.

The prophet announced the advent of Jehovah's Messenger, describing His Person, the process of His administration, and finally declaring the principle of the unchangeableness of Jehovah.

He then appealed to the nation, generally calling them to return, and then making a twofold charge against them of robbery and of blasphemy. To each of these they responded with the same inquiry, "Wherein?" thus showing that the people, like the priests, were observing formalities of religion while deficient of true spiritual life.

In the midst of this wide-spread apostasy there was a remnant yet loyal to Jehovah, which the prophet first described, and then addressed, declaring to them Jehovah's knowledge of them, and determination concerning them.

All this leads to his great declaration concerning the coming Day. This Day he described in its twofold effect. Toward the wicked it would be a day of burning and of destruction. Toward the righteous it would be a day of healing and of salvation.

The closing words of the prophet called upon the people to remember the law of Moses, promised the coming of a herald before that of the day of the Lord, and ended with a solemn suggestion of judgment.