The Bible: Psalms Chapter 24: with Audio and Commentary.

Version: World English Bible.

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Psalms Chapter 24 A Psalm by David.

1 The earth is the LORD's, with its fullness; the world, and those who dwell in it.

2 For he has founded it on the seas, and established it on the floods.

3 Who may ascend to the LORD's hill? Who may stand in his holy place?

4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart; who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood, and has not sworn deceitfully.

5 He shall receive a blessing from the LORD, righteousness from the God of his salvation.

6 This is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek your face-even Jacob. Selah.

7 Lift up your heads, you gates! Be lifted up, you everlasting doors, and the King of glory will come in.

8 Who is the King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.

9 Lift up your heads, you gates; yes, lift them up, you everlasting doors, and the King of glory will come in.

10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of Armies is the King of glory! Selah.


Version: World English Bible


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Psalms Chapter 24 A Psalm by David. Guide

This is the final psalm of the three, and as in Psalms 22:1-31 the words so far exceed the possibility of exhaustion by any circumstances originating them as to create an opinion unanimously in favour of their Messianic application. In this song the Saviour who through suffering triumphed, the Shepherd; who through pilgrimage leads His own, is seen ascending to the place of power and authority.

The first movement recognizes the sovereignty of Jehovah over the created world and its inhabitants (verses Psalms 24:1-2). There is, then, a question which recognizes a need. The hill of the Lord which is the place of authority (see Psalms 2:6) is vacant, and it is asked, "Who shall ascend into it?" The answer declares the need for purity of conduct and character. Suddenly the antiphonal chanting of angels breaks forth. Some are accompanying the King as He approaches the place of power. Others wait, guarding the entrance. The first company claims entrance for Him. The second assembly challenges His right. The answer tells of might inherent and of victory in battle, and through the lifted portals we see Him pass and know Him for "Jehovah of hosts." By our calendars, yesterday He passed through Psalms 22:1-31. Today He is exercising the office of Psalms 23:1-6. Tomorrow, He will exercise finally the authority of Psalms 24:1-10.

From "An Exposition of the Whole Bible" by G. Campbell Morgan.

Psalms Chapter 24 Commentary

Chapter Outline

  1. Concerning the kingdom of Christ, and the subjects of that kingdom. -- (1-6)
  2. Concerning the King of that kingdom. -- (7-10)

Verses 1-6

We ourselves are not our own; our bodies, our souls, are not. Even those of the children of men are God's, who know him not, nor own their relation to him. A soul that knows and considers its own nature, and that it must live for ever, when it has viewed the earth and the fulness thereof, will sit down unsatisfied. It will think of ascending toward God, and will ask, What shall I do, that I may abide in that happy, holy place, where he makes his people holy and happy? We make nothing of religion, if we do not make heart-work of it. We can only be cleansed from our sins, and renewed unto holiness, by the blood of Christ and the washing of the Holy Ghost. Thus we become his people; thus we receive blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of our salvation. God's peculiar people shall be made truly and for ever happy. Where God gives righteousness, he designs salvation. Those that are made meet for heaven, shall be brought safe to heaven, and will find what they have been seeking.

Verses 7-10

The splendid entry here described, refers to the solemn bringing in of the ark into the tent David pitched for it, or the temple Solomon built for it. We may also apply it to the ascension of Christ into heaven, and the welcome given to him there. Our Redeemer found the gates of heaven shut, but having by his blood made atonement for sin, as one having authority, he demanded entrance. The angels were to worship him, Heb 1:6: they ask with wonder, Who is he? It is answered, that he is strong and mighty; mighty in battle to save his people, and to subdue his and their enemies. We may apply it to Christ's entrance into the souls of men by his word and Spirit, that they may be his temples. Behold, he stands at the door, and knocks, Rev 3:20. The gates and doors of the heart are to be opened to him, as possession is delivered to the rightful owner. We may apply it to his second coming with glorious power. Lord, open the everlasting door of our souls by thy grace, that we may now receive thee, and be wholly thine; and that, at length, we may be numbered with thy saints in glory.

From the "Concise Commentary on the Bible" by Matthew Henry.